Thank you for your interest in scheduling your wedding at St. Albert the Great or working with us in preparation for your wedding in another Catholic Church. We look forward to working with you for the Sacrament of Marriage!
Please see the class schedule below.
Message from the Pastor
As pastor of the Catholic Community of St. Albert the Great Church, I very warmly welcome you to this program that seeks to help you prepare for the great Sacrament of Marriage. Our Church community is pleased you have chosen to walk this road with us, and you are assured of our constant prayerful support. Please pay attention to how the Church defines marriage, as follows:
“The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish betweenThemselves a partnership for the whole of life, is by its nature ordered Towards the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring;This covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to theDignity of a sacrament.” Canon 1055.1 (see Gen.1: 26-27)
“Called to be One” Marriage Preparation Program
The celebration of marriage as a sacrament is not a one-time event, but a lifelong vocation. Marriage and family have been the cornerstone of society in cultures throughout the world and across time (Together in God’s Love).
Called to be One is the marriage preparation program at St. Albert the Great for engaged couples. The program gives couples the opportunity to discern their vocation of marriage by looking closely at their relationships with one another, with the Church, and with God. St. Albert the Great asks that you complete your marriage preparation a minimum of 60 to 90 days before your wedding date.
Called to be One is offered several times a year.
Prepare/Enrich Inventory
Called to be One is a three-session marriage preparation program that presents an overview of the Church’s teachings on the sacrament of marriage and how these teachings impact the practical ways in which we live out our marriage. Couples will explore five aspects of the marital relationship:
All information presented in the context of a sacramental view of marriage. Each session will include both group and couple prayer experiences, presentations on Church teachings, and opportunities for reflection and activity/discussion.
Engaged couples must:
Upcoming Dates/Times for 2025: