Annual CDA Pre-Thanksgiving Baked Goods & Crafts Sale
The Catholic Daughters of St. Albert's Parish #2220 will be hosting their annual Pre-Thanksgiving Bake Goods Sale with the addition of Homemade Crafts for gifts on the weekend of November 17 and 18, 2018. Please come by and make your selections from the delicious variety of homemade baked items and other goodies for gifts. Gluten-free food items will be available, but won't last long. If you make your selections before Mass begins, we can hold all pre-paid items for pick-up after Mass.
This fundraiser will assist us with the various local, state and national charities the Catholic Daughters support. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted. If you just want to just make a donation, visit with any of the Catholic Daughters dressed in purple at the tables.