Pathfinders is a men's ministry that meets
Wednesday mornings from 6:00 AM - 7:30 AM in the Seton Center Main Hall or
Starting on January 13th, 2025 will meet Monday evenings from 7:15 PM - 8:45 PM in the Palermo building, Room J/K.
You need only attend one meeting a week. In the morning meeting, we start with a breakfast and coffee (of course). For both meetings, we begin with light conversation with your brothers. We officially start the meeting by praying the Angelus.
We then move into the weekly presentation presented by a deacon that teaches us and challenges us to be better men in Christ. The topics range from spiritual warfare, virtues and vices, spirituality, etc. All are taught and discussed from a Catholic male perspective. Then we break up into small groups and discuss the presentation. This followed by announcements and a closing prayer. The meeting ends promptly at 7:30 AM.
Pathfinders is more than just a faith sharing group. We are also active in the parish providing service in support of our pastor and parish. We also pray for each other and keep in touch between meetings. We are more than just a weekly meeting. We are forming a brotherhood of men in Christ. We stand together with our Lord, our blessed Mother, and our Church.
Men, you are invited to join the brotherhood! We'll see you Wednesday morning or Monday evening!