Secure Online Giving and Automatic Offertory:
Would you like an easy way to contribute to your parish or set up automatic payments to the Sunday offering? You may opt for a one-time donation or set ongoing automatic payments through your checking or saving accounts. You may choose to use your credit card and take advantage of member points that may be offered by your credit company. If you have not created a profile, you will be asked to do so. Click here to get started at a secure login for electronic offering.
For assistance in setting up automatic drafts or for more information on any of these stewardship opportunities, please contact the parish office Tuesday through Friday,
9 am - 5:30 pm, at 512-837-7825.
Randalls’ Remarkable Card Good Neighbor Program
Do you have a Randalls Remarkable Card? St. Albert the Great has an account with Randalls Good Neighbor Program. Link your Remarkable Card to our Good Neighbor Account, Number 4160, and St. Albert’s will receive a percentage of your total purchase payment as a donation. Enrollment forms are available in the Gathering Space.
Sanctuary Candle:
Dedicating The Sanctuary Candle to honor a loved one or special intention is a wonderful way to beautify the sacred space of our church. To dedicate the Sanctuary Candle, contact the Parish Office.
Memorial Votive Candles:
Purchase a Bi-Annual Memorial Candle to honor a loved one or special intention. For more information, pick up a brochure on the tables in the Gathering Space.
To become a Bulletin Sponsor:
To become a bulletin sponsor contact Javier Aguilera at 512- 694-4989 or by email at
[email protected].